Australia’s summer season is perfect for beach trips, relaxing in the shade and having a cool drink after a long day. It’s also a time when many Australians turn to their air conditioner to keep them cool. If this is how you keep cool, it’s important to know what you can do to ensure your system is being used efficiently, and that you’re using the built-in energy management features to help.

  1. Close rooms and windows

    Leaving windows and doors open is an easy way for air to escape. Keep all exterior doors and windows closed to trap the cool air inside. You can also help maintain a consistent indoor temperature by installing curtains with lining, or blinds, to reduce the impact of the sun’s heat during the day. Temperature stability inside means your air conditioner is working as efficiently as possible. With a ducted air conditioning system you can also use zone control to manage the areas of the home you want to cool at different times of the day or night, and close rooms off when they’re not being used.

  2. Set it right

    It can be tempting to set the temperature on your air conditioner really low in summer so you can beat the heat. Setting the temperature too low can put pressure on the unit to work harder for longer and doesn’t necessarily cool a space any faster. We recommend 23 degrees Celsius to create a cool, comfortable environment without excessive energy consumption.

  3. Use built in programs and features

    Utilise your air conditioner’s full capabilities by setting timers or programming scenarios to run at a chosen time. Using these inbuilt settings allows you to plan when to start cooling the indoor air in advance of getting home or waking up. With the system using low fan speeds and less energy to slowly cool the home it is operating more efficiently.

  4. Keep it clean

    Indoor grilles and vents, and outdoor units can gather dust and debris over time which can restrict airflow. This can cause the system to work harder and use more energy. Have a cleaning routine at the beginning of summer and winter, clean the grilles and filters, and keep the outdoor unit free from debris and obstructions.

  5. Regular servicing
    To keep the system running at its best you should have the air conditioner professionally serviced by a licensed air conditioning technician every one to two years, depending on usage. This will help keep your air conditioning system in good working order for long term efficient and effective use.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about air conditioning options for year-round indoor comfort, contact Fujitsu General Assist on 1300 364 484 to speak to a member of our friendly customer service team.